Reasons Why We Should Embrace Our Pubic Hairs

Pubic hairs are a natural part of our bodies. Like every other part of our bodies, pubic hairs naturally serve a purpose in our lives. Over the years, society’s influence and norms make many people find it unhygienic and unappealing. Studies have found over the years that there are several benefits of retaining pubic hair on our bodies. Excessive shaving of pubic hair leads to unwanted infections and skin irritation on the body. Here are a few reasons why we should start to embrace our pubic hair more often: 

It’s Normal 

As stated above, pubic hairs serve a role and purpose in our lives. Apart from today’s norms, studies have shown that pubic hair works to keep our bodies healthy and free from infections. With that being said, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed of your pubic hair. Excessive growth may be irritating and much to handle at a time, but this doesn’t mean this area cannot be groomed. Like different parts of the body that grow hair, the pubic area can also be maintained and handled with care. 

Helps Minimize Friction 

Equally important, pubic hair is necessary because it helps minimize friction within the lower part of the body. The skin near our private area is very sensitive, pubic hair works to protect the skin during activities such as exercise, sex, or simply walking around the house. Without pubic hair, it is easy friction to increase near our private areas. When this happens, it leads to discomfort, irritation, and even displeasure during sex. Altogether, embracing your pubic hair is an excellent way to increase comfort in your body, and minimize overall irritation. 

Protects the Body 

Like the hair on different parts of our body, pubic hair is necessary to help protect the skin from harmful infections and diseases. Hair helps trap dirt, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens from our bodies that contribute to sickness. All in all, pubic hair prevents harmful bacteria from reproducing, thus protecting our overall well-being. 

Practice Safety When Removing 

Lastly, although it is necessary to embrace our pubic hair, it can get irritating at times if it is not properly cared for. Excessive hair growth near our delicate areas leads to unwanted odors caused by sweat throughout the day. When deemed necessary, aim to trim your pubic hair to a comfortable length without harming the skin. Overgrooming leads to irritation, bumps, and can even hinder growth in the future. Always make sure to practice good hygiene matters to help protect your body from harmful infections and bacteria. 

Tim McCouch